Level up your game. Take to the ice with Mind in Movement; South Australia’s leading Ice Hockey Physio.

Official Team Physio

Ice Hockey Physio

Edges Presentation

Want to know how to be a better skater? With his wealth of knowing around skating and the human body, Josh goes through the key markers for fast and efficient skaters, the role of the upper body and much more!

Coming soon!

Good to Great eBook

Designed for Ice Hockey players, this eBook goes through the nitty gritty details that is involved in preparing for this unique sport.

Understand some of the fundamentals of preparation, including tips on nutrition pre game, mid-game and post-game, as well tips on warm-ups and cool-downs, and the latest evidence-based information as to how to implement these movement strategies.


Hip Mobility Program

Hip mobility is a key component for Ice hockey. It is important for quick changes of direction, or shifting our body and torso to one side and having great hip mobility allows your body to move more effectively and efficiently, reducing fatigue and perceived tightness, allowing you to maintain performing at a higher level for longer.

Download our 4-week hip mobility program and improve your game.


Ankle Mobility Program

Ankle mobility is vital for any effective skater. Whether it’s for more powerful strides, quicker change of direction, cross-overs or the ability to put on the brakes quickly. The ankles need to move the skate on the ice, so having mobility isn’t going to do it! You need ankle strength through these ranges, and you need your ankle to work WITH your hips to create these movements!

Download our 6-week ankle strength and mobility program and improve your game.


Good to Great eBook

Designed for Ice Hockey players, this eBook goes through the nitty gritty details that is involved in preparing for this unique sport. Understand some of the fundamentals of preparation, including tips on nutrition the night before a game, pre game, mid game and post game, as well tips on why we use warm ups and cool downs, and the latest evidence based information as to how to implement these movement strategies.

Without using any fancy equipment or technology, learning these fundamentals that are in your control can help you improve your preparation off the ice, to help improve your performance on the ice! Designed and tested with some of the states best ice hockey players, the fundamentals in this eBook are sure to give you some indications of how to maximise your preparation!

  • Preparation protocols to help you play at your best

    Nutrition tips for pre, during & post game

    Warm up and cool strategies

  • Movement fundamentals to help improve your game

    No fancy equipment or technology required

  • Learn to prevent the injuries most commonly impacting Ice Hockey Players.

    Protocols developed for some of SA’s best Ice Hockey Players

Ice Hockey - Good to Great

Hip Mobility Program

Hip mobility is a key component for Ice hockey. If we don’t have the range and control at our hips, how do we expect to perform the complex tasks involved in playing ice hockey to our maximum capacity?

Hip mobility is important for quick changes of direction, or shifting our body and torso to one side and having great hip mobility allows your body to move more effectively and efficiently, reducing fatigue and perceived tightness, allowing you to maintain performing at a higher level for longer.

Great hip mobility will also reduce the chances of injury to high risk areas like the groin, hip flexors, knee and low back. This can be done as a post-ice session cool down, or during the week off the ice, to help prepare the body for your on-ice training sessions.

  • 6 Week Hip Mobility Program

    Designed for Ice Hockey Players

    Strategies and Protocols to improve your hip mobility and performance on the ice

  • Simple easy to follow program

    Complete anywhere, anytime. No fancy equipment or technology is required.

    Support your whole body and prepare for life both on and off the ice.

  • Learn to prevent the injuries most commonly impacting Ice Hockey Players.

    Developed and tested on SA’s best Ice Hockey players.

Online Hip Mobility Program

Ankle Mobility Program

Ankle mobility is vital for any effective skater. Whether it’s for more powerful strides, quicker change of direction, cross-overs or the ability to put on the brakes quickly.

The ankles need to move the skate on the ice, so having mobility isn’t going to do it! You need ankle strength through these ranges, and you need your ankle to work WITH your hips to create these movements!

Our 6 week ankle strength program is a must-have for ice hockey players who want to improve their game! At four sessions per week, it’s a great tool to be used in conjunction with on ice training, to take your skating to it’s next level!

  • 6 Week Ankle Mobility Program

    Designed for Ice Hockey Players

    Strategies and Protocols to improve your hip mobility and performance on the ice

  • Simple easy to follow program

    Complete anywhere, anytime. No fancy equipment or technology is required.

    Support your whole body and prepare for life both on and off the ice.

  • Learn to prevent the injuries most commonly impacting Ice Hockey Players.

    Protocols developed for some of SA’s best Ice Hockey Players

Ice Hockey - Good to Great

Visit us


10 Endeavour Drive
Port Adelaide SA 5013

Monday: 7.30am - 8.00pm

Tuesday: 7.30am - 2.00pm

Wednesday: 7.30am - 3.00pm

Thursday: 7.30am - 8.00 pm

Friday: 12.00pm - 7.00pm 

Saturday: 8.30am - 12.30pm

0401 014 333